/BCO-DMO/Vibrio_Dust_Deposition/Vibrio_collection --location eq Looe_Key_Reef-- Level 1

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#   Seeded microcosm experiments: collection data
#    Nutrient concentrations, microbiology (Vibrio abundance), trace metals, and environmental conditions 
#   PI's: E. Lipp (UGA), W. Landing (FSU) E. Ottesen (UGA), M. Wetz (TAMU)
#   version: 2016-11-09
sample      date        time_start_local  ISO_DateTime_Local       yrday_local  depth  lat       lon         temp  sal  pH    Vibrio   Chl_a  DOC     TDN   DON    NH4    NO3    NO2    Orthophosphate  SiO4   dFe    station_notes                                  
2015_Trial  2015-04-28  9:43              2015-04-28T09:43:00      118.4049     28     nd        nd          29    35   7.86  44.07    0.23   104.91  nd    4.85   2.27   0.21   0.03   0.08            BDL    3.09   Mooring ball #23                               
2015_Exp1   2015-05-01  9:35              2015-05-01T09:35:00      121.3993     28     24.54476  -81.41003   27    36   7.98  18.33    0.42   95.87   nd    9.92   1.78   0.17   0.04   0.03            BDL    2.11   Mooring ball #26                               
2015_Exp2   2015-05-01  9:55              2015-05-01T09:55:00      121.4132     28     24.54322  -81.41071   27.1  36   7.97  10.42    0.42   94.98   nd    7.30   2.49   0.39   0.04   0.06            BDL    2.21   Mooring ball #30                               
2015_Exp3   2015-05-06  8:50              2015-05-06T08:50:00      126.3681     28     24.54475  -81.41018   25    nd   nd    31.25    0.28   90.53   nd    11.47  1.24   1.11   0.04   0.01            BDL    1.92   Mooring ball #26                               
2015_Exp4   2015-05-06  9:41              2015-05-06T09:41:00      126.4035     28     24.54504  -81.41115   25    nd   nd    12.08    0.27   87.73   nd    6.67   1.31   1.07   0.05   0.01            BDL    1.56   Mooring ball #29                               
2015_Exp5   2015-05-09  9:18              2015-05-09T09:18:00      129.3875     28     24.54490  -81.40713   25.8  nd   nd    85.00    0.11   75.66   nd    3.56   2.04   0.71   0.06   0.07            BDL    1.73   Mooring ball #17